This durational performance unfolds within the relationship between an ice sculpture and a human body. In this work, there is no hierarchy of values between subject and object; instead, a two-way relationship is manifested among the elements present on stage. The ice sculpture constantly transitions between states, influencing the movements of the human body it comes into contact with. Simultaneously, the performer's body temperature dangerously decreases, almost approaching a metaphorical state of death, yet they cannot withdraw to maintain the action, except to regain warmth through movement. It's a choreography of movements and actions stemming from a genuine physical need, where dance rediscovers its urgency to exist.
The choreography unfolds precisely within this dynamic, where it's not possible to distinguish a central intention, thus characterizing the performance not so much as an exhibition, but as an act of resistance.
Francesco Collavino
PI 02____
IBAN ____
+39 380 31 59 207